✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity

Spiritual Quotient – The Ultimate Intelligence, in brief
The World, since long, gave much importance to Intelligence Quotient (IQ). In the early 20th century, whenpsychologists devised tests to measure intelligence (used to solve the Logical Problem), named IQ measured based on certain tests to apply logical conclusion to the problems. The higher the figure, the belief went, the greater the intelligence.

Then in mid-1990s, Daniel Goleman discovered the findings in neuroscience and psychology based on importance of Emotional Quotient (EQ) an ability to respond skillfully to pleasure and pain keeping in mind the feelings others and him self. Daniel Goleman argued that EQ is the basic requirement for proper use of IQ and argued that if the areas of our brain that feel the emotions are damaged, the decisive thinking ability will be affected adversely.
Wikipedia definition of Spiritual Quotient:
Spiritual Quotient (SQ) is described as a measure that looks at a person's spiritual intelligence in the same way as intelligence quotient (IQ) looks at cognitive intelligence. It is the study in which there are 6 types of personalities: social, investigative, artistic, realist, contractor and conventional.
Advantages of SQ on wikipedia: Tension Free Life, Self awareness, Free from alcohol and other drugs, Support of society, Less depression, Self Confidence.
So, Spiritual Quotient is study of Social, Investigative, Artistic, realist, contractor and conventional aspect of the personality to assess how balanced a persons is and now a days many authors, scholars claims that spiritual quotient is the ultimate intelligence of a human being and claimed this is intelligence used to solve the problem on values or you may call the persons ability to take value based decision.
In the words of Mr. Ram Mohan, a Vedanta teacher, IQ and EQ are inadequate in such issues. "Spiritual intelligence," is about the growth of a human being. It is about moving on in life. About having a direction in life and being able to heal ourselves of all the resentment we carry.
Humans are essentially spiritual beings, they are evolved to question their own purpose / existence with questions like “Who I am?” Why I was born?” and spiritual quotient is the ability to answer questions like these which leads to personal growth of a person. Spiritual intelligence motivates people to balance their work schedules to spend time with the family or on him to monitor his own activities keeping in view the inner growth rather working to earn money only.
Spiritual Quotient is totally different from IQ and EQIQ solves logical problems. EQ allows us to judge the situation and behave accordingly with balanced emotions, while SQ ask whether this is worth being in that situation before indulging in it. It might motivate us to create a new one situation. SQ has little connection to formal religion. Atheists and humanists may have high SQ while someone actively religious may not as SQ is derived from pure thoughts / emotions.
Zohar and Marshall (2000) created the term spiritual intelligence. The term derived from the latin word ‘Wind or breath’. This is literally a wind that is blowing through us, the principle that makes us alive and humane. Spiritual Intelligence, Zohar (2000) said, “is our access to and use of meaning, vision and value in the way that we think and the decision that we make”. It is the intelligence that makes us whole, that gives us our integrity. It is the soul’s intelligence, the intelligence of deep self, that with which we ask fundamental questions and with which we reframe our answersDanah Zoher and Ian Marshal say “While computers have IQ and animals can have EQ, it is essentially an SQ that sets human beings apart”Zohar and Marshall in their book Spiritual Intelligence—The Ultimate Intelligence, discussed the scientific evidence for Spiritual Quotient.

In 1990s, research by neurophysiologist Michael Persinger and neurologist V.S. Ramachandran at theUniversity of California led to an identification of a 'God-spot' in the human brain. This area is located among neural connections in the temporal lobes of the brain. During scans with positron emission topography, these neural areas light up whenever research subjects are exposed to discussion of spiritual topics. Of course, this is culture specific, with Westerners responding to ideas of 'God' and Buddhists and Hindus responding to certain symbols. While the God-spot does not prove the existence of 'God', it does indicate that the brain is programmed to ask ultimate questions. (Source: from one of the Article on Internet).

A study on Old Age living with Family and Old Age living in OLD AGE Homes by Madhu Jain and Prema PurohitUniversity of Rajasthan, Jaipur shows as under:

A number of socio-epidemiological investigations, both in the Western nations as well as in India (Miller et al, 1976; Line et al, 1979; Billings et al, 1981, Sarason 1981; blzaer, 1982, Broadhard et al, 1982; Ram Chandranand Sarda Menon, 1982, Kushara & Chopra, 1996; Guatam & Pant, 1997) have consistently found the role of various factors like poor social support, isolation be reavement and widow hood, unanticipated retirement, economic deprivation and unemployment, low social class, poor living conditions and stressful life events in precipitate, maintaining or exacerbating depressive disorders among senior citizens. All of these losses may affect self esteem, confidence, connectedness. In such a chain of events, the hopelessness and helplessness of depression may not be far behind.

Where as spiritual intelligence, the capacity to find meaning and purpose in life, understand and nourish our relationship to the Divine define and follow a moral-ethical path and practice loving kindness, can help the aged person to over come from the monotonous & lonely life and despair may replace sense of purpose.

1. Aged people are distinctly more happy and satisfied by living in the family. Every effort should, therefore, be made to encourage their stay with their families.

2. It is important to begin to defuse the stereotype attitude about ageing process that holds elders back, and to promote the concept of ‘old age’ as a stage of development with its own unique challenges.

3. Spiritual intelligence is an experienced and informed ability that gives us access to immediate knowledge and higher wisdom, and helps us achieve excellence in life. Counseling session should arrange for elderly to develop spiritual intelligence.
(in their Book Spiritual Intelligence: A Contemporary Concern with Regard to Living Status of the Senior Citizens Madhu Jain and Prema Purohit University of Rajasthan, Jaipur)
So in brief the spiritual intelligence is used to transform ourselves and others, heal relationship, cope with adverse situations, and move beyond already conditioned habits of a person. To develop high SQ, each person needs to approach the task according to his/her personality.
The Great Bhagwat Gita has provided several ways to enable a person to grow his or her spiritual quotient Because Ego is one of the main obstacle standing one’s spiritual progress and advancement. The issues related to Ego have to be handled with maturity by learning to limit it. That is why all our scriptures includingBhagwat Gita have attributed the cause of most of the problems to this one single factor i.e. EGO and thereforeGita says to concentrate on the big “I” rather narrowly concentrating on the small “I” i.e. the human body related things only.
The Great spiritual scholars form India has also suggested to limit our Ego and suggested surrender as one of the ways to limit our ego because when we surrender our ego, there is just tranquility and peace in our interaction / dealing with the world. Once a person surrender to God the quality of goodness arises in him leading him to Godliness and achieving the ultimate spiritual realization. One such exemplary devotee who exhibited complete surrender to the ultimate i.e. Shri Ram was Shri Hanuman ji, who attained godliness by surrendering to God.
So, we need not search here or there so also we have forgotten the fact that we are spiritual beings in a human form. Spiritual Quotient is all about discovering of one’s own inner self.

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work

Self Realization has always been the ultimate goal of all religions and spiritual traditions of the world. But, It has now become a mass phenomenon achieved effortlessly through Siddha Yoga, which is Guru Siyag’s invaluable gift to humanity. 

Mantra Diksha(Online Initiation) is completely free of charge. To receive Diksha the seeker does not have to go through any process of registration.

Yoga | Meditation | Mindfulness


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