✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity


Guru Siyag has proved that, Spiritual Science based on the solid principles of ancient Vedanta Philosophy of India, is a practical Science, which gives spot results, just like a modern science experiment

India,April 28,2009/Free-Press-Release.com/ -- Prevailing Economical, Environmental, Political and Military Crisis of the World, are a clear indication of the forthcoming World Crisis, ready to engulf the Peace and Harmony on Planet Earth. This has made me to convey this message to the Brain Powers of the whole World, so that they can analyze the possible solution to save the Mankind from a World Crisis.

The present World Scenario was foreseen by the ancient sages, astrologers and Spiritual People of Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism, they had predicted the œWorld Crisis, hundreds and thousands years back, the "New Innovative Method" of Spiritual Science, as Discovered by Guru Siyag, a Spiritual Genius from India, can save the Mankind from World Crisis.

Guru Siyag has proved that, Spiritual Science based on the solid principles of ancient Vedanta Philosophy of India, is a practical Science, which gives spot results, just like a modern science experiment. Guru Siyag has developed a simple, yet powerful "15 Min's Method" of Experimenting Spiritual Science, giving on the spot, unmatchable results. As discovered by Guru Siyag, the Vedic Science based Method aims at the "Complete Development of Human Being".

Yes, Man is a Transitional Being, and not yet complete, undergoing the process of development cycle of Nature. The evolution of living organisms started with the single celled species like Amoeba, then developed into fish, tortoise, animals, monkey, Homosapiens and Man. Man is the highest developed living organism at present time. Man too is under the process of changing into a next or higher stage of the living organisms.

When we have noticed the development process from Amoeba to Man, we have to accept the truth that Man will also undergo the process of development cycle of Nature. As a law of nature, every thing undergoes continuous change. As these changes take place slowly, over thousands of years, we are unable to notice or judge them.

Let us come to the point. The present form of Man is dependent on external sources or materials, for survival. As a development process, the Man has developed its Brain capacity to a great extent, when compared to 100 years back.

This has resulted in the Maximum development of Modern Science. Increasing the dependency on Machines and Electronic Gadgets. In spite of all its present development of Science, there is no end to the Sorrows and Miseries of life, we have not been able to win over even the Diseases.

To realize the Potential Powers and Benefits of Guru Siyag's Method, it takes only a few Minutes, no learning, nor any practice required.

You can Experiment it right now, getting on the spot result and response, telepathically, using a mere Photo Image of Guru Siyag, all you have to do is to follow a simple 15 min's practical experimental "Method of Meditation" , given on http://spirtualworld.blogspot.com/p/online-initiation-c-ompletely-free-of.html




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