✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity


Most of the God Believing Religions of the World are said to have predicted in One Voice, regarding Creation of a Spiritual World. Guru Siyag clarified it as the creation of a Spiritual World.

India,September 06,2008/Free-Press-Release.com/ -- Going to take place shortly, the process has already begun with the Transformation of Human body into Divine Form. Guru Siyag, Rajasthan, India based propagator of Siddha Yoga, the founder and patron of Adhyatma Vigyan Satsang Kendra, Jodhpur, is the worlds only Person who has practically Induced this Process of œDivine Transformation of Human Body.

Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga is a Practical Method of Transformation of Human Body to attain a Divine Form, resulting in the final and complete development of the œBeing (Human Being). Based on the solid principles of the Spiritual Science called Vedic Science. It involves a Practical Method to be followed as per Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga. In this practical method, Guru Siyag initiates the Seeker with œShaktipaat Dikshaa. Shaktipaat is a Process in which Guru Siyag awakens the Spiritual power called œKundalini. This Kundalini or the Mother power of the universe resides in every Human body. Kundalini resides unconscious in the lowest portion of the spinal cord. Guru Siyag awakens this Spiritual Power by giving a Sacred Word called Guru Mantra. The Seeker has to follow a simple Method involving mental chanting of Sacred Word and sit in Spiritual Meditation in the morning and evening, absolutely without any physical or mental effort from Seekers side, as it is a œTotally Automatic Process induced by Kundalini, in the control of Guru Siyag. Guru Siyag controls this process telepathically, sitting anywhere in the World.

Guru Siyag clarifies it as development process which was œDue to occur, has begun to take place in the Humans. There is nothing to wonder about it, as it is nothing but the Law of nature, in which each and every thing in the Universe is subject to change continuously. The effects of Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga can be experienced practically, by any interested and curious person of the World. It can be experimented right now, on the spot, just by using a Photo Image of Guru Siyag. Sitting in any corner of the World, one can do it practically, by following a simple 15 min's Method of Meditation, given on the web - www.the-comforter.org . It takes only 15 min's to realize it practically, without any prior knowledge or practice, as it is Totally Automatic process controlled telepathically by Guru Siyag.


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