✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity

When you seek success

When you seek success by the material way, you are governed by the law of cause and effect, but when you have communion with God first, then success is given to you in innumerable ways both subtle and material. Compare the lives of saints and others who have lived with God, to the lives of nonspiritual people. The saints have everything because they have God.

The surest way to prosperity lies in establishing first your oneness with God & after that claiming a divine son’s share. You must make the blissful union with God first. When you achieve that attunement, your status will be changed from that of a mortal beggar to a divine son and you will automatically gain what you need. The omnipresent Father knows all the needs of a true son.

Success must always come from God. The world can give you just so much and no more. But God can give you health, wealth and wisdom without limit. Gold is not made by man, but by God. Not a grain of corn or rice is made by man, but by God. So, why not go to the source of life, without whose power you cannot live.

Everything has limited power, but God has unlimited power. Seek success from the source that can give to you unfailingly. For fifty years you may try to make a million dollars, and then lose it. Do not go that route. Why go the way of limitation? Seek the way that can never fail.

TOTALY FREE....Come, Sit, Experience true knowledge and join hands together for betterment of our future.

We can make human lives on our mother earth still better.

If you are interested in true practice of yoga, If you want to get rid of your own problems, if you want to help others to get rid of their ......The practice of the Siddha Yoga means keeping the mind always in the state of equanimity & bliss....No One Can Do Siddha Yoga, It Has To Happen


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