Cases Cured
AIDS Cured: Case 1: Badrinarayan from Jodhpur
I Badrinarayan s/o Shri Joraram Ji, after suffering from fever for prolonged time showed
to Dr. C P Joshi on 13.09.2001 who carried out blood test and confirmed HIV +ve.
Doctors started the treatment, but there was no relief, day by day my health was detoriating.
Illness had taken its worst form, whole body had swollen and lumps had formed.
Then my brother in law showed me to Dr. M K Singhi and carried out blood test from Mumbai.
Doctor said disease had taken its worst form and now he will live for few days only so take him to home.
In that duration my neighbour Shri Gangaram Ji came to see me. He got worried after
looking my situation. He said you cannot be cured by medicines because Aids is incurable disease.
If you meditate on our Gurudev Shri Ramlal Ji Siyag’s image then you can be cured.
He then put the photograph of Gurudev Siyag just above my bed and asked me to
meditate at Ajna Chakra, at the centre of forehead. I started meditating and yogic
movements started. Within four days swelling disappeared. I meditated while lying on bed
in the hospital. Within 50days I was completely ok. I had started moving and taking diet.
First my weight was 43 kg but now after continuous meditation my weight increased to 48kg.
After this I went to Kota on 22.05.2003 and took mantra initiation from Gurudev.
Today I am completely OK and my body weighs 56kgs.
On 07.07.2003 I once again carried out test with the same laboratory that I had gone for test previously
and showed report to the doctor. My CD4 count had decreased to 121/GL and CD8 count had
increased to 79.7 and ratio of CD4/CD8 that had fallen to 0.11 during my illness.
Now after meditation my CD4 had increased to 277/GL,
whereas CD8 was decreased to 58.2/GL and CD4/CD8 ratio had also increased to 0.33.
According to science this was impossible. Doctors concluded; this could
happen by Gurudev’s meditation only.
Thus I urge all the patients suffering from this disease that all the diseases can be
cured from meditation of Gurudev’s Meditation and Mantra Chanting without intake of medicine.
Name – Badrinarayan s/o Shri Joraram
Boranada, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
SRL Ranbaxy Report

Aids Cured : Case 2: Bhanwarlal Chaudhary from Bikaner
In the year 2000, Bhanwar Lal Jaat, a resident of Jodhpur (Rajasthan, India) had become a full-blown case of AIDS in its final stage. Doctors discharged him from Mathuradas Mathur hospital, where he was undergoing treatment, and asked his close relations to take him home as he was on the brink of death. It was in this condition that Bhanwar Lal was brought to Guru Siyag on a stretcher. He was so physically weak that he could neither speak nor could he move his limbs. Guru Siyag gave Bhanwar Lal the divine mantra, and told him to silently chant it continuously. Desperate to live, Bhanwar Lal did as he was told, and began to show visible signs of recovery in a matter of one week to the utter astonishment of all around him. Within 45 days he showed full recovery. Today, nine years later, Bhanwar Lal is a farmer in India and works 10 to 12 hours on his farm.

Siddha Yoga : AIDS, CANCER CURED Verification
in Front of Doctors and media
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