How To Open Third Eye | Awakening | Pineal gland | Activation | Method | Chakra | Experiences | Symptoms
Let me tell you that People are, now a days, confused on the
matter of Spiritual Awakening and the third eye activation and feel these are
separate processes.
First of all, the third eye is not a physical eye. Its your
spiritual gateway which can only be
opened through the Grace of Perfected Master, the 'Samarth Sadguru'. So let's
understand it in the following paragraphs.
As per Vedic Philosophy, the ancient sages and rishis have
considered that there are ten openings in the human body and sectioned them
into two parts: the upper part begins at the crown of the head and goes down to
the center of the forehead; and the lower part starts from the center of the
forehead and goes down to the tip of the anus. The lower part has nine openings
(sensory organs) or called ‘Nau dwar’ (nine doors – Two eyes, two ears, two
nostrils, mouth and other two private parts from where human waste is
The lower section of the body consists of nine outlets, is
the world of Maya (the illusionary cosmic force which binds us to worldly
existence and shuts off from our true Divine Self). Now, the tenth opening
which is located at the center of the forehead, open within (into the spiritual
world). This tenth opening is called that ‘third eye’ and also known as Ajna or
Brow Chakra which is definitely not a physical eye but a spiritual gateway
leading towards the eternal journey for Self Realisation.
This third eye opens during the meditative state and the
practitioner delves deep into the inner Self. Since all the other sensory
organs are physical and open outwards, so they do not provide any scope for
turning your gaze towards eternal journey. That is why, one needs to focus on
this third eye.
Now, this third eye can only be opened through the Grace of
the Perfected Master, the ‘Samarth Sadguru’. The Guru (Perfected Master) opens
this third of the practitioner through Initiation. He gives a practical method
to awaken the dormant feminine divine energy known as Kundalini Shakti. This
Kundalini Shakti lies at the basement of the spinal cord (sacrum bone) called
Root Chakra in spiritual term. Thus, due to the Spiritual Awakening, the
practitioner advances on his/her spiritual path which leads to the realization
of the ‘Self’.
Guru Siyag initiates the practitioner through Shaktipat
Initiation. This GSY is an easy-to-do spiritual practice which involves a
meditation for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day with light or empty stomach and
silent chanting of that enlightened Mantra given by Guru Siyag.
Further, I'd like to add that during the GSY
Meditation, the Awakened Kundalini
induces the automatic yogic movements to pierce the Chakras (Subtle of
Consciousness) and clears the energy blockages.
During the entire process of Transformation, the practitioner
experiences many divine realisations. The regular and dedicated practice leads
to attain the highest state of Consciousness - 'Kaivalya' as mentioned in the Vedic Philosophy.
Sri Aurobindo who was one of the greatest spiritual reformer
of modern India, has said - "Man is a transitional being. He's not final,
but he'll be."
The practice of Guru Siyag's Yoga also resonates the same
and have been experienced by many practitioners. This not only brings about the
significant spiritual evolution in them but also heals the physical and mental
issues in a holistic way.
So now, spiritual practice which exactly I want to tell is
known as Guru Siyag's Yoga (GSY) meditation which is helping the mankind to
alleviate the Spiritual Awakening and ultimately, The Divine Transformation
So, I'm going to share you all a brief note on that mystical
spiritual practice which not only transformed my life from Hell to Super
Consciousness but also working awesomely for the mankind. So let's understand
what is 'Guru Siyag's Yoga.
Guru Siyag's Yoga (GSY) is a chanting based Spiritual
Practice which helps the practitioner in his spiritual awakening or can say
third eye activation. This is an easy-to-do spiritual practice which involves
meditation for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day and chanting of an enlightened
mantra given by Guru Siyag.
The practice of this yoga not only brings about significant
spiritual evolution in the practitioners but also heals their bodily diseases
in a holistic way subsequently and over a period of time.
The chanting and meditation together awaken the mother power
'Kundalini', which lies at the basement in our spinal column, due to Shaktipat
initiation or you can say third eye activation. This awakened Kundalini (the
Spiritual energy) pierces the Chakras of the practitioners and clears the
energy blockages during the meditation. Consequently, during the meditation,
the practitioner experiences various kinds of yogic movements like aasanas,
pranayams, mudras etc. The awakened Kundalini tones up and stimulates the
neurons and cells which are not properly functioning.
As I'm working on its scientific aspects, I'm going to explain that how it affects our body and mind and
helps in Spiritual Awakening. ЁЯСЗ
The empowered chanting of the mantra given by Guru Siyag
helps to calm down the mind and help to get a deep concentration during the
Moreover, Guru Siyag's Yoga meditation and chanting together
help us biologically to fight with anger, stress, anxiety and depression and
increases emapathy. The regular practice
of the meditation and chanting together helps to maintain higher level of Alpha
waves (discovered by German neurologist Hanse Berger) which reduces negative
mood, tension, sadness and anger and hence increases positivity, happiness. It
also develops pain tolerance, memory power, self awareness, goal setting and
emotional regulation. Thus the practitioner gets relief in his/her stress and
depression related health issues.
During the meditation, the transportation of oxygen and
carbon dioxide takes place properly because of a steady breathing process. The
practitioner have greater number of antibodies in comparison to non-meditator
which enhance the immunity.
It's important to understand that how this meditation works
on physical diseases like diabetes, heart disease and cancer.
Over a period of time, we can see the changes on cellular
level of a GSY practitioner. Here, I'd like to explain in brief about it. As we
know, our chromosome has a protective
protein complexe known as telomere which protects our DNA and shortening in
length of telomeres causes the cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, etc.
Now, the regular practice of GSY helps to reduce the anxiety and stress which
has direct effects on the the enzymes telomerase which counteracts on the
shortening and shrinking telomeres by adding DNA and consequently, the practitioner
having such health issues get better day by day.
GSY practice is very easy-to-do even in today's busy life
schedule and can be practiced at home only.
People generally ask what is the difference between Yoga and
Meditation. So, before we know about the difference between Yoga and
Meditation, let's understand what're the meaning of these terms Yoga and
Meditation respectively.
For more about Yoga and meditation: