✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity

How to Heal Cancer using Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga!

Cancer is increasingly becoming a very common disease. Modern Medicine is yet to conquer this dreaded disease. So today I will share with you this alternative method for healing Cancer. In fact this method can cure many modern incurable diseases like Aids, Diabetes etc.

Now, there have been many other therapies which have helped cancer patients to heal and live long and productive lives. As per Modern Medicine if a Cancer patient lives for 5 years it is considered a successful cured case, even if the patient has been living a miserable life in hospitals. Here we are talking of a cure, where a person is able to live a healthy productive normal life.

We have seen many natural therapies, which have given good results for Cancer patients.

But, today I am going to share with you this alternative therapy which is:

Easy to do....Even a five year old can easily do it
You can start right now....
Free of cost ...
Nothing to order ...
No course or class to attend...
No advance class to attend...

Since it is so easy to get started and practice this method....It will be best that you try it yourself and see if it works for you. If you start to see results in a few days, then this method works. If you do not start to see results after few days of practicing this therapy...then you can say it is not working for you. So, I will not spend time here trying to convince you, how it helped other patients to completely cure their cancer. Any way we are not buying or selling anything here.

The therapy that I am about to share with you is a type of Yoga. You might be aware of many types of Yoga. Here we are talking of a very specific type of Yoga. It is not just any yoga that you see being taught and practiced in a typical Health Club or Yoga Studio. Practicing such yoga is great. It gives you good health, reduces stress, you feel at peace etc...But such yoga is not potent enough to cure disease like Cancer.

So the Yoga practice that I am about to share with you is the Yoga in its most original form. It comes from age old tradition of ancient times. This is the type of yoga which has passed on from generation to generation through an unbroken chain of Guru and Disciple. Knowledge of this yoga was a secret in the most recent history. So I am sure, more than likely, this will be the first time that you are going to hear about such a Yoga. Human civilization has its period of ups and down. So knowledge of this yoga becomes well known when the time is ripe for its use for mankind.

We are lucky to be living in an age where it has been decided to make the knowledge of this ancient Yoga freely available to everyone.

Purpose of this yoga is manifold. For now let’s focus on curing dreaded disease like Cancer.

The Yoga that we are going to practice for curing cancer is called Siddha Yoga. Since in this type of yoga, Guru Siyag is our spiritual guide, we will call this practice as Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga.

What does this yoga involve? Here are the essential elements of this yoga:

Guru: An spiritual Guide. He guides us on a very subtle level.
Disciple: You and me ...anyone who wishes to practice this form of yoga
Initiation: Process of sending initial spark from Guru to Disciple...similar to jumpstarting a car. In this case this will be achieved by watching a brief online video.
Mantra: A divine mantra passed from Guru to Disciple at the time of initiation
Meditation: Daily practice of Yoga practice 15-30 minutes two times a day
Chanting: Mental silent repetition of mantra by disciple as much as possible

Here is how you can get started on this path right now:

Step 1: Watch the following short video to receive Guru Siyag's Mantra Initiation. This mantra must be received in Guru Siyag's voice only. That is the reason you need to watch this video from Guru Siyag.

By listening to above video and receiving the divine mantra, you will be completing the initial process of getting the divine spark. Disciple needs to do this step only one time.

Step 2: Meditate two times a day 15-30 Minutes using the simple method listed in the link below:

Step 3: Mentally and silently chant the Mantra received in step 1 throughout the day and night as much as possible

That’s all. Isn't that easy and simple!

Now what? Here are few things that may or may not happen with you. Every ones experience is different. So if your experience is different do not panic. Continue with the practice.

During meditation, you may experience certain automatic yogic postures or movement of your limbs. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases. Do not panic or worry. These actions, happen involuntarily, are ordained by divine force, and they are needed for your internal cleansing and readying you for further progress.
You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past and future events. These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path.

However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don't need these experiences. Go to the "
" section to read more on this topic

Here on... all you need to do is meditate two or more times a day as per the link provided and chant the divine mantra silently in your mind as much as possible throughout the day.

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work


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