✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity

Asthma and Autoimmune cured: Experience Shared by practioner of
Guru Siyag's Siddha Yoga

Asthama and Inner Healing
The Gujarat Earthquake had caused the building to shudder when I awoke in the drab hospital room they call a “private room” in Lilavati Hospital. I remembered after a while I had been admitted for pneumonia. The prognosis was scary. Not only was the patches in both lungs but they had turned septic leading to septicaemia. I had been on a drip for seven days. The Doctor was due for a visit in sometime. I refreshed myself by struggling to the bathroom as my legs were dead due to inactivity for a week.
The doc was prompt but the news was not good. I had ignored my asthmatic condition (which I didn’t know I had) which had led to the bilateral pneumonia. A man in his prime thirties, I had given in to the excesses, which corporate jargon defined as “perks”. But I had no idea that asthma could silently catch up like this inspite of me being a nonsmoker. I asked the good doc as to what had caused it. He said the cause was a rare condition that caused the body’s own cells to attack organs of the body as they could not recognise it. He called the condition an ‘auto-immune disorder’. Not much was known about it but there was no cure except steroids. I had now to take steroids and other immuno-suppressants so that this condition may not aggravate.
In the prime of my life I was asked to take it slow, avoid long haul flights and eating out. It was a life sentence. I could see the worry lines on my wife’s pretty face for the first time in our marriage.
While steroids took their toil as I became diabetic, obese, baby faced and gained 20 kgs. I could no longer run up the steps and had to take one step at a time, perhaps in more ways than one. Even the minimal effort caused me to pant as if I had run the Marathon. I tried remedies like Pranayam, Yog asanas, Vipassana meditation, Gayatri Mantra Sadhana, Osho tapes even Past Life Regression. They all helped temporarily. Finally I was awakened to the fact that there was more to my Past life than I knew and resigned to the fact that not much could be done.
Professionally this news spread like wildfire. I had become a successful Architect through hard work and sheer determination. Soon I was staring at an empty job book and only a spattering of the clients that I had accumulated. Slowly my condition deteriorated and I was asked to take it easy at work by my doc, who despite being my saviour was resigned to my fate. There was nothing in my medical condition that had a remedy or a cure. And all he was doing was postponing the inevitable.
I had finally come to terms with my fate when at a party where I had been invited as an afterthought; I met a cousin whom I had not met for a long time. Among other thing I had laid aside, my ego had been the first casualty. So I went anyways as it didn’t matter. I liked my cousins and looked forward to meeting them anyway. On hearing my interest in meditation my cousin invited me to Jodhpur in Rajasthan. His Guruji stayed there and he firmly believed that he could help me. I took it with a pinch of salt and Jodhpur was a long way off and I shuddered at the thought of a train journey there. And worse I shuddered at the thought at spending money on a flight as resources were dwindling, so why spend on what could be a wild goose chase.
As destiny would have it, the Guruji had to catch a flight to USA and was in Mumbai. My cousin Pramod Pagedar who was an editor in one of Mumbai’s well known Dailies promised a private audience. I was diffident and despondent at that stage in life as not much had worked out. But as I valued my cousin’s judgement, I decided to go. There was not much to lose anyway. Driving to his house in a faraway suburb in the west, a thought occurred to me from the Osho tapes I used to listen to. He had said that when the time was ripe the Guru finds his disciple. Osho had explained that you shall know if he is a true soul only when he calls on you. And when you meet him there will be a discernable effect He shall have on the space around him.
Thought I had heard about it I couldn’t possibly imagine a Guru described by him. And all the Gurujis I had met were very commercial. They had a vision and needed finances to maintain their grandeur. How else would they be able to attract potential disciples? These thoughts were buzzing in my head but knowing my cousin I did not expect a glamorous guru with flowing silk robes seated on a throne. I laid my expectations to rest and promised myself to keep an open mind when I reached my cousin’s apartment. I was given a warm welcome. But Guruji was nowhere in sight. I was told that he was deep in meditation.
Suddenly he appeared. His name was Ramlalji Siyag. The space around him warmed up. Suddenly all my doubts receded. It was serene. He spoke to me in Hindi and explained His sadhana and his background. He also referred Sri Aurobindo’s Book by Sat Prem to highlight what he was saying. There were no disciples around Him. Osho was right. The time had come for me. I was bewitched. He was humble but at the same time held His own on matters we discussed. He also said that the pump that I had been habituated would go. Though He refused to give me Diksha there as it wasn’t a Thursday, it somehow didn’t matter. We meditated together and for the first time in many many years I felt I had come home.
I left that day with a sense of belonging that eventually it might work out. I finally went to Jodhpur in July for the Gurupurnima fest where on the following Thursday I would receive Diksha. But due to a change in scheduling I came back empty handed. That cooled off my ardour for a while. But due to the persistence of my cousin this time I went to Jaipur the following February. After the Diksha my initial enthusiasm had cooled. That July I went with my cousin for the Gurupurnima festivities. The next day we left for Jamsar a suburb of Bikanar which was the Samadhi sthal or the final resting place of our Guruji’s Guru, Sri Gangainathji. Here we meditated as was the practice. During meditation I was treated to a heavenly display of lights of every colour and hue starting with the colours of the rainbow and ending with heavenly patterns of bright vibrant colours. This was my first vision.
After I returned I began meditating in right earnest. Sure enough in a few weeks’ time I heard an incredible buzzing in my ears. My cousin later confirmed it was the Naad. It was my first step in the right direction. Before taking Diksha I was already seeing the Light or Bindu. There was a sense of deep happiness. I was overwhelmed. All the doubts I had were cleared. The nightmarish existence seemed to be at an end finally.
My asthma seemed to be getting better. I wondered what must be the reason medically. After a lot of research I came to the conclusion that with the advent of the Naad my heart Chakra had opened up. My heart Chakra monitored the thymus gland which governed the immune response among other things. With the Naad the thymus had begun to function peoperly and the attack on the Lungs may be receding.
It was a miracle for me as I no longer fretted about my illness any more. Perhaps it was an excuse to meet my teacher. I was finally in good hands. The pump is gone. My illness was never completely curable but now there is some hope. I urge my readers especially those with chronic ailments to try out Siddha yog meditation, as what is Incurable is curable from Within. Today I know the true meaning of the adage;
“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the Master calls a Butterfly!”
While this is true for asthma, it can help other auto-immune disorders too like arthritis. It can help Cancer and AIDS as they are all governed finally by the thymus gland too.
 All you need is FAITH.
I express my gratitude to my Gurudev Ramlalji Siyag for introducing me to this wonderful inner universe and to my cousin Pramod Pagedar for introducing Gurudev to me.
Rahul Bhonsule.
Rahul is a sadhak of Siddha Yoga

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work


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