✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity

Easy and practical method for healing at energetic, psychological
and physical level...

Anita Moorajani was given 36 hours to die from end stage cancer (Hodgkin’s Lymphoma). Instead she experienced a Near Death Experience (NDE). There after she rapidly recovered, to much suprise of her doctors. During her Near Death Experience Anita gained some great isnights about cancer, diseases and about life.

Here are excerpts from her interview in 2006 soon after she was cured of cancer:

"I then started to understand how illnesses start on an energetic level before they become physical.  If I chose to go into life, the cancer would be gone from my energy, and my physical body would catch up very quickly.  I then understood that when people have medical treatments for illnesses, it rids the illness only from their body but not from their energy so the illness returns.  I realized if I went back, it would be with a very healthy energy.  Then the physical body would catch up to the energetic conditions very quickly and permanently.  I seemed to become aware that this applies to anything, not only illnesses – physical conditions, psychological conditions, etc.  I became aware that everything going on in our lives was dependent on this energy around us, created by us."

“The understanding I gained from this was that if cancer was not in our “energy”, then it was not in our reality.  If feeling good about ourselves was in our energy, then our reality would be positive.  If cancer was in our energy, then even if we eradicated it with modern medicine, it would soon come back.  But if we cleared it from our energy, the physical body would soon follow. None of us are as “real” or physical as we think we are.  From what I saw, it looked like we are energy first, and physical is only a result of expressing our energy.  And we can change our physical reality if we change our energy."

Anita recovered from cancer after experiencing Near Death Experience. Now NDE is not something that we can experience at will. Yet Anita gained significant insight into the nature of diseases and its cause so as to help for rest of Humanity. 

One of the biggest insights was that any disease can be cured if our energetic body is healed.

One of the easiest methods of healing energetic body of any disease is by the practice of Guru Siyag’s Siddha Yoga. It is very easy and practical method of healing our body at energetic as well physical and psychological level. Countless people have been cured of so called insurable diseases like cancer and aids. Many people have been cured of chronic conditions like diabetes, arthritis, asthma, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism etc.  Even cases of genetic disease hemophilia have been healed. 

Here is the process of getting this mantra shaktipat and method of meditation:

Step 1: Watch the following short video to receive Guru Siyag's Mantra Initiation. This mantra must be received in Guru Siyag's voice only. That is the reason you need to watch this video from Guru Siyag. 


By listening to above video and receiving the divine mantra, you will be completing the initial process of getting the divine spark (Also known as Shaktipat in Sanskrit). You need to do this step only one time.

Step 2: Meditate two times a day 15-30 Minutes using the simple method listed in the link below:


Step 3: Mentally and silently chant the Mantra received in step 1 throughout the day and night as much as possible

That’s all. Isn't that easy and simple!

Now what? Here are few things that may or may not happen with you. Every ones experience is different. So if your experience is different do not panic. Continue with the practice. 

During meditation, you may experience certain automatic yogic postures or movement of your limbs. Swaying, nodding of head, rapid movement of head from left-to-right or vice-versa, inflating or deflating of belly, clapping, grunting, moaning or laughing can happen in many cases. Do not panic or worry. These actions, happen involuntarily, are ordained by divine force, and they are needed for your internal cleansing and readying you for further progress. You may also experience vibrations, see bright lights, colors or even have visions or revelations of the past and future events. These are indications that you are progressing well on the spiritual path. 

However, if you do not experience any yogic postures or see visions, it does not mean that you are not making progress. In all probability, the divine force awakened in you has perhaps decided that you don't need these experiences. Go to the "FAQ"  section to read more on this topic
Here on... all you need to do is meditate two or more times a day as per the link provided and chant the divine mantra silently in your mind as much as possible throughout the day. 

May you live a long and healthy life!

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work


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