✅ Siddha Yoga: A Divine Gift for Humanity

My Mantra Diksha/Shaktipat/Kundalini Initiation, Guru Siyag

A while back I posted about an amazing experience (viewtopic.php?f=45&t=7654) that I had while I was practicing yantra yoga and meditation. It was a kundalini experience that left a profound mark on me, but at the same kind of scared me. I decided that before I go further with any spiritual practice it was wise to find a spiritual master that can guide me. I started looking around and somehow I stumbled upon this Guru that was doing initiation via mantra and there was 2 videos to watch to complete the initiation. I thought it was not gonna do much, but I decided to do it anyways. After watching the video and receiving the mantra and initiation to my utter amazement i felt like some kind of energy was coursing through my spine. It completely took me by surprise. On the website of this guru it was stated that after you are initiation you should visualize the guru's picture (aka Guru Yoga) and chant the mantra silently. On the website it also stated that after you receive initiation when the kundalini starts to get activated you body will start performing all kinds of yogic postures and breathing exercises by itself. So after I received the initiation I sat down to meditate and started repeating the mantra and immediately I felt like my body wanted to move. To my utter amazement and disbelief my body started to move and perform yogic postures one after the other. The postures my body was doing were so unique that I had never seen them in any book or movie anywhere. This lasted for about 1 hour straight without stopping. It felt like I was in a meditative state and my body was like a doll being moved into different postures with incredible precision. After the mediation I felt very peaceful and centered. It was like a natural high, it was one of the most incredible and amazing things that has happened in my entire life. I also decided to let my mother watch the videos and she experienced the exact same thing, so it was not just me. She was equally astounded and could not understand how this was even possible. When we started talk afterwards and to compare the postures we noticed that the routines that were performed were very different. So it seems that the kundalini knows each person's body and what needs to be done to achieve optimal results. I have been doing this form of yoga for the past several months now and over time the exercises have shifted from physical postures to very heavy breathing exercises and breath retention with all kinds of abdominal and chin locks and many mudras (hand gestures). The sheer variety and combinations of these involuntary yogic movements has left me absolutely speechless and in absolute awe. 

I provided some links here to show what I was experiencing.

Guru Siyag Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/GuruSiyagsYoga

I found some videos of other people undergoing the yogic movement, mine were similar to those but different.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... XOPrp-6cB4
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... GIurhwQDos

Mantra Initiation Videos:
Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... tmSVfJYyYY
Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... o2YPtIFpBo

Source: http://dharmawheel.net/viewtopic.php?f=36&t=11529

Siddha Yoga In Short:
Anyoneof any religion, creed, color, country
Anytimemorning, noon, evening, night
Any duration5, 10, 12, 15, 30 minutes. For as much time as you like.
Anywhereoffice, hosme, bus, train
Anyplaceon chair, bed, floor, sofa
Any positioncross-legged, lying down, sitting on chair
Any agechild, young, middle-aged, old
Any diseasephysical, mental and freedom from any kind of addiction
Any stressrelated to family, business, work


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