✅ Highlights of the day:

पलाना धाम-13 जून,2019-निर्जला एकादशी:गुरुदेव का महाप्रयाण दिवस

समर्थ सदगुरुदेव श्री रामलाल जी सियाग का महाप्रयाण दिवस

सभी साधक महाप्रयाण दिवस पर सादर आमंत्रित हैं

जन्म - 24 नवम्बर ,1926
जन्म स्थान- पलाना, बीकानेर (राजस्थान)

• गुरुदेव का महाप्रयाण दिवस 𝟭𝟯 जून, 2019 निर्जला एकादशी के दिन गुरुदेव के पैतृक गांव पलाना समाधि स्थल पर मनाया जाएगा। गुरुदेव की समाधि अपने पैतृक खेत पलाना में स्थित है।

•रात्रि जागरण - 12 जून , 2019
•महाप्रसाद व महाप्रयाण दिवस - 𝟭𝟯 जून ,2019 निर्जला एकादशी
•स्थान - गुरुदेव समाधि स्थल , पलाना (बीकानेर)

सभी साधक महाप्रयाण दिवस पर सादर आमंत्रित हैं


Best Kundalini Awakening Meditation|Guru Siyag Yoga|HD|Shakti Jagaran|Method

Kundalini Yoga, kundalini meditation, kundalini jagran, kundalini shakti

Mystical, ancient, simple yet most powerful, easy to practice, amazing healing of diseases including aids, cancer, hemophilia, diabetes, spiritual evolution, Kundalini Awakening, life giving Sanjeevani mantra. Totally free of cost always. Online, do it at home.

This is the mission —
 spiritual transformation of mankind — that Guru Siyag has undertaken by promoting the practice of Siddha Yoga.

Nothing to pay, no where to go, nothing to quit or change, no registration required, do it at your home only

This Unique Meditation Method awakens your inner dormant spiritual energy know as Kundalini Power

Kundalini awakened during the meditation induces automatic yogic movements as per physical, mental and spiritual requirements of the practitioner

These yogic movements stimulates the cells, nerves and neurons of the body, which are not functioning properly, in order to heal the bodily dieseases in a holistic way

Salient Features

Pierce the Chakras and clear the energy blockages

Increases Empathy and helps to maintain higher level of Alpha rhythm in brain which reduces negative mood, tension, sadness and anger and hence increases positivity, happiness

Develops pain tolerance, memory power, self awareness, goal setting and emotional regulation. Thus the practitioner gets relief in his/her stress and depression related health issues.

Helps to get rid of all kinds of addictions by elevating positive tendency

For a happy divine life

Give it try and experience the inner mutations by your own.


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